If you are seeking spousal support or need to modify an existing alimony agreement, contact our experienced Orlando alimony lawyers at Law Office Of Paulette Hamilton Divorce Lawyers today. Call (407) 420-2311 for a consultation.

Spousal support, or alimony, can be essential for financial stability after a divorce in Orlando, Florida. Having an experienced attorney by your side is critical. With 15 years of combined experience, our team has successfully handled numerous family law cases, ensuring our clients achieve the financial support they need.

How Law Office Of Paulette Hamilton Divorce Lawyers, Can Help You Secure Alimony in Your Orlando Divorce

How Law Office Of Paulette Hamilton Divorce Lawyers, Can Help You Secure Alimony in Your Orlando Divorce

Divorce can bring significant financial challenges, especially if you’ve been financially dependent on your spouse. Florida law allows for spousal support in certain cases, but securing it can be challenging. Your spouse may resist paying, and navigating the legal system alone can be overwhelming.

At Law Office Of Paulette Hamilton Divorce Lawyers, we understand the intricacies of spousal support laws and are committed to fighting for your interests. When you hire our Orlando family law attorneys, we will:

  • Evaluate your eligibility for spousal support under Florida law
  • Collect evidence to strengthen your request for alimony
  • Negotiate on your behalf to reach a fair settlement
  • Represent you in court if your case goes to trial

Our legal team in Orlando, FL, has extensive experience in family law and will be with you every step of the way. We’ll ensure your rights are protected and that you get the support you deserve. 

What Is Spousal Support in Florida?

Spousal support, also known as alimony under Florida law, is financial assistance paid from one spouse to another after a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to ensure both parties can maintain a similar standard of living to what they experienced during the marriage.

In some marriages, one spouse may have significantly more earning power than the other, or one may have put their career on hold to raise children. When a couple divorces, the lesser-earning spouse may need financial support to adjust to their new life. Spousal support helps to bridge this gap and provides financial stability during this transition.

Types of Spousal Support Available in Orlando, FL

In Florida, there are several types of alimony that may be awarded, depending on the circumstances of your divorce:

  • Bridge-the-gap alimony: Short-term support to help a spouse transition from married to single life. This can cover specific expenses like rent or car payments and is limited to two years.
  • Rehabilitative alimony: Support to help a spouse gain skills or education necessary to become self-sufficient.
  • Durational alimony: Financial support for a set period after the divorce, typically awarded when the marriage lasted for a short to moderate amount of time.
  • Temporary alimony: Payments made during the divorce process, starting when divorce papers are filed and ending when the divorce is finalized.
  • Permanent alimony: Support that lasts indefinitely, usually awarded in long-term marriages (over 17 years). It usually continues until the receiving spouse remarries or either spouse dies.

In some cases, a court may order lump-sum alimony if a spouse needs immediate financial assistance or if another similar consideration applies.

How Is Alimony Calculated in Orlando, Florida?

The amount and duration of alimony in Florida depend on several factors that the court considers when making a decision. Florida courts don’t rely on a strict formula for calculating spousal support but rather assess each case individually. In general, the court will look at the following key factors:

  • Income disparity: If one spouse earns significantly more than the other, alimony may be awarded to help maintain the standard of living experienced during the marriage.
  • Duration of the marriage: Alimony is more likely in longer marriages, and permanent support is usually reserved for marriages lasting over 17 years.
  • Need and ability to pay: The receiving spouse’s financial need and the paying spouse’s ability to provide support are central considerations.

The judge may also consider other unique factors based on the circumstances of the case.

How Long Does Alimony Last in Orlando?

The duration of alimony payments in Orlando varies based on the type of spousal support awarded and the circumstances of the divorce. Different forms of alimony are designed to last for specific periods:

  • Temporary alimony: Lasts only during the divorce proceedings and ends when the divorce is finalized.
  • Bridge-the-gap alimony: This short-term support ends when specific needs, like transitioning to single life, are met, lasting a maximum of two years.
  • Durational alimony: Paid for a set period and usually awarded after shorter marriages. The duration cannot exceed the length of the marriage.
  • Permanent alimony: Continues until the receiving spouse remarries, either spouse passes away or a significant change in circumstances occurs.

Each type of alimony serves a distinct purpose, and an experienced lawyer can help you determine which is best for your situation.

Factors Affecting Spousal Support Decisions in Orlando, Florida

The court considers several factors when determining whether to award spousal support and how much to award:

  • Length of the marriage: Longer marriages are more likely to result in spousal support awards.
  • Standard of living: The court aims to ensure that both spouses can maintain a similar lifestyle after the divorce.
  • Age and health: Older spouses or those in poor health may require more support.
  • Contributions to the marriage: This includes both financial contributions and non-financial roles, like raising children or managing the household.
  • Financial resources and assets: The court considers each spouse’s financial resources, including income, property, and other assets.
  • Income and earning potential: The court looks at each spouse’s current income and potential to earn in the future.

These factors help the court ensure a fair and just spousal support arrangement.

Can I Modify My Spousal Support Agreement in Orlando?

Yes, most types of alimony can be modified after a divorce if there is a significant change in circumstances. This could include:

  • Job loss: If the spouse paying support loses their job through no fault of their own.
  • Disability or illness: If either spouse experiences a serious health issue that impacts their ability to work or earn income.
  • Significant income changes: If the paying spouse’s income decreases substantially, for example.
  • Remarriage or cohabitation: If the receiving spouse remarries or begins living with a new partner, spousal support may be reduced or terminated.

Generally speaking, bridge-the-gap alimony is the only type of spousal support that cannot be modified.

How Will Alimony Affect My Divorce in Orlando?

Alimony can be one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. Whether you’re seeking spousal support or being asked to pay, it’s important to understand how alimony can affect the overall divorce process.

In some cases, alimony will impact the division of marital property. The spouse receiving alimony may be awarded a larger portion of marital assets if it’s determined they need additional financial resources. Additionally, alimony payments can affect other financial aspects of your divorce, like taxes.

Having an experienced divorce attorney in Orlando guide you through the alimony process can help ensure you receive or pay a fair amount. This can allow you to move forward without unnecessary financial stress.

Schedule a Consultation With an Experienced Orlando Alimony Lawyer

Alimony can provide crucial financial support after a divorce, helping you maintain your quality of life. However, securing spousal support often requires legal assistance. At Law Office Of Paulette Hamilton Divorce Lawyers, we have 15 years of experience helping clients in Orlando navigate complex family law matters.

If you’re seeking spousal support or need help modifying an existing agreement, our Orlando alimony attorneys are here to help. Contact us today for a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you.